On Wednesday, 5 November 2014 at 19:05:32 UTC, Patrick Jeeves wrote:
On Wednesday, 5 November 2014 at 18:56:08 UTC, luminousone wrote:
unless delete is explicitly called, I don't believe the destructor would ever be called, it would still have a reference in the static foo_list object that would stop it from being collected by the gc.

This is exactly why I asked about it, and even if delete is explicitly called-- which i believe is deprecated, wouldn't the runtime fill the space with the default construtor until the GC decides to remove it? meaning it would be immediatly added back into the list?

I don't believe that the default constructor is called. I am pretty sure delete immediately deallocates the object, deregistering its memory from the gc.

In fact I am 99% sure no constructor is called after delete, it would cause problems for objects with no default constructor, or for system related stuff done in constructors, and I haven't seen anything like that in my X11 work in d.

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