On Tuesday, 11 November 2014 at 19:36:12 UTC, Lemonfiend wrote:
D is fine with alias this overloaded function:
void foo(int t) {}
void foo(int t, int i) {}

alias bar = foo;

But isn't as happy aliasing these function templates:
void foo(T)(T t) {}
void foo(T)(T t, int i) {}

alias bar = foo!int;

Is there some way/other syntax to make an alias like this work? Or specify in the alias which function template to use (ie. alias bar = foo!int(int)).

The problem is not the alias. The error message is about using the same identifier for two different things:

C:\...\temp_0186F968.d(13,1): Error: declaration foo(T)(T t, int i) is already defined.

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What you seem to forget is that the declarations:
void foo(T)(T t) {}
void foo(T)(T t, int i) {}
are actually a two **Eponymous template** with the same name:
template foo(T){
    void foo(T t) {}
template foo(T){
    void foo(T t, int i) {}
This produces the same error message:
C:\...\temp_0186F968.d(13,1): Error: declaration foo(T)(T t, int i) is already defined.

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You can make it working by renaming the template name anf by grouping the members:
template hip(T)
    void bud(T t) {}
    void bud(T t, int i) {}

alias baz = hip!int.bud;
// > void(int t) or void(int t, int i) if you invert bud order.

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