So I was reading the documentation page: and noticed what appears to be a typo:

int4 v;
(cast(int*)&v)[3] = 2;   // set 3rd element of the 4 int vector
(cast(int[4])v)[3] = 2;  // set 3rd element of the 4 int vector
v.array[3] = 2;          // set 3rd element of the 4 int vector
v.ptr[3] = 2;            // set 3rd element of the 4 int vector

v.array[3] = 2; and v.ptr[3] = 2; set the fourth element, and not the third.

As I was verifying this, I realized I had to compile it in 64 bit code. The 32 bit code produced the error "SIMD vector types not supported on this platform".

My test code is:

    void main() {
        import std.stdio;
        import core.simd;

        int4 v = 7;
        v.ptr[3] = 2;

Is that related to me compiling while using a 64 bit OS, or is that true of any 32 bit OS, and thus, vectors can't be used in programs intended to be run on 32 bit OSs?


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