On Wednesday, 26 November 2014 at 01:25:51 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Don't think of it that way. Think of it this way: you have to load every library you want to use. SDL2_mixer is a library, SDL2_image is a library, SDL2_ttf is a library, and so on. You have to load them individually. DerelictSDL2 binds to SDL2, DerelictSDL2Mixer binds to SDL2_mixer and so on.

Somehow I had overlooked the most obvious documentation on DerelictSDL2: the readme.md file on the github repository page which displays these informations.. Sorry!

The Derelict packages are all just bindings to C libraries and nothing more. To use those libraries, you need to install their dependencies on each platform you need to use them on. If you don't know what the dependencies are, you should visit the website or support forums for that library.

Yes, it was an issue unrelated to D or DerelictOrg but still some problem encountered by clueless me on its quest to use SDL_Mixer functions with D.. This might be of some help for a beginner like me who had difficulties to find some straightforward documentation to set everything up. The SDL and SDL_mixer websites did not help much (..or I overlooked some stuffs again).

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