On 12/02/2014 05:07 PM, Michael wrote:
Hi. I'm new here and this is my first post. I'm not sure this is the
right subforum for it, but wasn't sure where else to put it either.

I've written a library to talk to some external hardware using a socket.
It uses the std.concurrency threads to send messages between the main
D-object for the hardware and the D-object for the sockets. I then
wanted to be able to call these functions from Python. PyD appeared to
be out of date, so I've been using a D -> C interface, and a C -> Python
interface. The python code will often run from different python threads,
so I then added yet another message-passing layer between the D->C
interface and the D->hardware interface.

are you looking at this pyd: https://bitbucket.org/ariovistus/pyd

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