On Wednesday, 17 December 2014 at 11:15:30 UTC, zeljkog wrote:
On 15.12.14 01:00, "Nordlöw" wrote:
Isn't this algorithm already encoded somewhere in Phobos?

void append(T, Args...)(ref T[] arr, auto ref Args args){
   static if (args.length == 1)
      arr ~= args[0];     // inlined
      arr.length += args.length;
      foreach(i, e; args)
         arr[$ - args.length + i] = e;

I've just tested, this looks usable.
Equal for 1 item, considerably (~40%) faster for 2, and much (100+%) faster for more.
Also more convenient.

Maybe samthing like that should go to Fobos.

I don't think you can beat appender. And your function does not accept ranges, only elements. I would write it like this:

void append(T, Args...)(ref T[] data, Args args)
        static size_t estimateLength(Args args)
                size_t result;
                foreach(e; args)
                        static if(hasLength!(typeof(e)))
                                result += e.length;
                                result += 1;

                return result;

        auto app = appender!(T[])(data);
        app.reserve(data.length + estimateLength(args));

        foreach(e; args)
        data = app.data;

void main()
        import std.stdio;
        int[] data;
        append(data, 1, 2, only(1, 2, 3), iota(4, 9));


Maybe appender.put should get an overload that does the same, though I didn't had the need for it yet.

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