V Tue, 30 Dec 2014 13:17:08 +0000
Claude via Digitalmars-d-learn <digitalmars-d-learn@puremagic.com>

> Hello, I'm trying to use templates to define several methods 
> (property setters) within a class to avoid some code duplication.
> Here is an attempt:
> class Camera
> {
> private:
>      Vector4 m_pos;
>      float m_fov, m_ratio, m_near, m_far;
>      bool m_matrixCalculated;
> public:
>      void SetProperty(Tin, alias Field)(ref Tin param) @property 
> pure @safe
>      {
>          Field = param;
>          m_matrixCalculated = false;
>      }
>      alias pos   = SetProperty!(float[], m_pos);
>      alias pos   = SetProperty!(Vector4, m_pos);
>      alias ratio = SetProperty!(float,   m_ratio);
>      alias near  = SetProperty!(float,   m_near);
>      alias far   = SetProperty!(float,   m_far);
> }
> I get this kind of compilation error:
> Error: template instance SetProperty!(float[], m_pos) cannot use 
> local 'm_pos' as parameter to non-global template 
> SetProperty(Tin, alias Field)(ref Tin param)
> I don't understand why that error occurs.
> And I cannot find any elegant solutions (even with mixin's) to 
> declare a template and then instantiate it in a single line to 
> define the methods I want.
> Does any of you have an idea?

> Thanks

class Camera
    int m_pos;
    float m_fov, m_ratio, m_near, m_far;
    bool m_matrixCalculated;
    mixin template opAssign(alias Field) {
        void opAssign(Tin)(auto ref Tin param) @property pure @safe
            Field = param;
            m_matrixCalculated = false;

    mixin opAssign!(m_pos)   pos;
    mixin opAssign!(m_fov)   fov;
    mixin opAssign!(m_ratio) ratio;
    mixin opAssign!(m_near)  near;
    mixin opAssign!(m_far)   far;


void main() {

    Camera cam = new Camera();

    cam.fov = 1.0;

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