I have a struct used to describe a property[1].

Its standard usage is represented in this simple example:

|class Bar {
|    private uint fField0;
|    private izPropDescriptor!uint descrField0;
|    this() {
|        descrField0.define(&field0, &field0, "field0");
|    }
|    public void field0(uint aValue) {fField0 = aValue;}
|    public uint field0(){return fField0;}

The descriptor is used by a property binding system or a serializer.

The problem is that declaring a property descriptor is **very** repetitive. I've always wanted to find a way to generate a descriptor automatically, and finally today, while reading some random things on GH, I've "found" that the annotation system used in HibernateD[2] could be used. So far I didnt get the point of UDA and never used them.

So I've created a basic UDA but, and then ? Can a descriptor be created using my "attribute" ? How ?

|struct Setter {
|    const char[] propertyName;
|struct Getter {
|    const char[] propertyName;
|class Foo {
|    private uint fField0;
|    public @Setter("field0") void field0(uint aValue) {
|        fField0 = aValue;
|    }
|    public @Getter("field0") uint field0(){
|        return fField0;
|    }


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