On Friday, 2 January 2015 at 18:52:11 UTC, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
Am 02.01.2015 um 19:45 schrieb Vlad Levenfeld:

My personal favorite method is to use the primitives in core.atomic with a double or triple buffer. To double buffer, keep two buffers in an array (data[][] or something) and an integer index that points to the active buffer, then use atomicStore to update active buffer index when
you want to swap.
Triple buffering can improve runtime performance at the cost of more memory, and in this case you will need two indices and two swap methods, one for the producer and another for the consumer. I use cas with a
timed sleep to update the indices in this case.

Take it with a grain of salt, I'm far from a pro, but this has worked well for me in the past. I can post some example code if you need it.

I have to agree with Vlad here. The usual way is to do double buffering. So you have two buffers which hold all the data that the physics simulation passes to the game logic. While the physics simulation is computing the next frame, the game logic can use the results from the last frame. The only point where sinchronisation is neccessary is when swapping the buffers. You have to ensure that both the game logic and the physics thread are done with their current buffer and then sawp them. The only downside of this approach is, that you will get a small delay (usually the time taken for 1 frame) into the data you pass this way. Sometimes this approach is called the "exractor pattern". I use it to pass data from the game simulation to the renderer, so the renderer can render in paralell with the game simulation computing the next frame. You can find a example of my double buffered solution here:

I had tripple buffering up and running at some point, but I went back to double buffering, because tripple buffering can cause micro lags and you don't want that.

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Right, I've been looking at core.atomic, but it has very little documentation, and it's territory I haven't explored, yet. Any chance of some pointers along the way?

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