On Tuesday, 27 January 2015 at 08:19:46 UTC, Daniel Kozák wrote:
You can use this T:

class Parent {
    @property string typeName(this T)() {
        return T.stringof;

class Child : Parent {

void main() {
    auto p = new Parent;
    auto c = new Child;

    assert(p.typeName == "Parent");
    assert(c.typeName == "Child");

Could 'this T' be used for a static constructor ?

class Bar
    static T construct(this T, A...)(A a)
        return new T(a);

doesn't work. And similarly to the the orginal post:

class Bar
    static typeof(this) construct(A...)(A a)
        return new typeof(this)(a);

class Foo: Bar{}
Foo foo= Foo.construct; // fail


construct() won't be redefined in the Bar descendants.

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