I don't think that the line of code is wrong. If use && the function will check for neighbours only on diagonals. Having || allows the search on the vertical and horizontal axis and diagonals.

There are some tests that check the function:

unittest {
CellList world = [ Cell(0,0), Cell(0,1), Cell(0,2), Cell(1,0), Cell(1,2), Cell(2,0), Cell(2,1), Cell(2,2) ];
        assertEqual(Cell(1,1).neighbours(world), world.length);

unittest {
        CellList world = [ Cell(0,0), Cell(1,1), Cell(2,2), Cell(3,3) ];
        assertEqual(Cell(1,1).neighbours(world), 2);

I don't see a glitch.


On Sunday, 1 February 2015 at 22:51:42 UTC, FG wrote:
On 2015-02-01 at 22:00, gedaiu wrote:
I implemented Conway's game of life in D.

I think you are playing a different game here.

    /// Count cell neighbours
    long neighbours(Cell myCell, CellList list) {
        long cnt;
        foreach(cell; list) {
            auto diff1 = abs(myCell.x - cell.x);
            auto diff2 = abs(myCell.y - cell.y);
if(diff1 == 1 || diff2 == 1) cnt++; // Why || instead of && ???
        return cnt;

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