On Friday, 6 February 2015 at 11:39:32 UTC, Chris wrote:
If you wanna use D for XML parsing, see if you can find a solid 3rd party library in D (have a look at Adam's github page: https://github.com/adamdruppe/, he has some DOM and HTML stuff up there).

Yeah, if you're used to DOM work in Javascript, my dom.d works in a familiar way - it offers similar attributes, methods, uses css selector syntax if you want, etc.. You can download just that one file then build your program like "dmd yourfile.d dom.d" and it should just work, it has no outside dependencies.

Mine can do almost any xml, but the out of the box experience is focused on HTML. When combined with my characterencodings.d from the same repo, it can handle most web pages too, making it useful for scraping html sites.

There is a new xml module in the review queue, but nobody seems to care. I _think_ the reason why nobody really cares is that most people in the D community don't like XML.

I don't have a problem with xml.... but my own lib Works For Me (tm) so I don't personally care much about what is or isn't in phobos....

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