On 02/07/2015 04:29 PM, Venkat Akkineni wrote:> This simple program seems to just hang. I am probably missing something.
> Any help is appreciated. I am using Linux with DMD. Program compiles
> fine, but when enter a string & press enter, the programs seems to wait
> forever without returning.
> import std.stdio;
> void main()
> {
>      string firstName;
>      readf("    %s\n", &firstName);

My earlier understanding was that readf was reading till the end of the input. So, you will see that it will terminate when you press Ctrl-D at the console. I explain that understanding here:


However, when I tried your code again with dmd git head, I see that readf reads the first line of entry *after* I press two Enters on the console.


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