On 2/18/15 8:59 AM, "Nordlöw" wrote:
On Wednesday, 18 February 2015 at 13:53:17 UTC, Tobias Pankrath wrote:
All the data members except distMap have reference semantics.

I thought AAs had reference semantics.

Me too, but the indeed have value semantics. See for example:

     string[int] x;
     auto y = x;
     x[0] = "zero";
     assert(x != y);

This is a well known problem.

An UNINITIALIZED AA has not yet been allocated, and so it's reference is null.

But once initialized, it DOES have reference semantics:

string[int] x;
x[0] = "zero";
auto y = x;
x[1] = "one";
assert(x == y);

And to anticipate your question, no there is no way (yet) to create an empty but initialized AA.


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