On Thursday, 19 February 2015 at 08:46:11 UTC, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
How do I (a newbie to D) figure out which compiler set to use?
I am running Ubuntu 14.10, and intend to stick with it in the long term.
Should I choose DMD or go with GDC?
I would like to know the rationale for suggestions for either.



+ generates faster code
+ supports many of low-level GCC flags for code generation tuning
+ more platforms (ARM, MIPS)
- slow compilation
- updates to latest language version with considerable delay

+ very fast edit/compile cycle
+ reference compiler
- ancient code generation backend
- not many ways to affect generated code (outside of -O -inline)

It is common to use DMD for development and GDC for building actual release binaries.

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