On Tuesday, 24 February 2015 at 22:37:58 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
1. My understanding is that @trusted is supposed to give memory safety escapes by providing a context which reestablish a memory safety context on return.

Yep, that's how I got it, too. A @trusted function is supposed to be memory-safe.

Yet in this thread http://forum.dlang.org/thread/mcik3j$153g$1...@digitalmars.com it is stated that this paradigm is an example of «careful use of @trusted»:

    count = (() @trusted => cast(uint*) malloc(uint.sizeof))();
    …arbitrary code…
    (() @trusted => free(count))();

They way I see it, this is equivalent to typing a reinterpret_casting malloc and free as memorysafe operations in isolation, basically providing a malloc!int() and free() as memory safe functions.

Yep. "Careful use": You have be careful when you (ab)use @trusted like this.

The idea is that the compiler enforces safety for the rest of the code. You have to be cautious about the effects of the @trusted malloc/free, but the compiler checks the other stuff. If the whole function was @trusted, the compiler wouldn't catch other safety violations that are not related to malloc/free.

The downside is that @safe on that function then doesn't mean "compiler verified memory-safe" anymore. Instead it means "compiler assisted @trusted".

There's also the other way around: Mark the function as @trusted and throw ()@safe{...}() covers over the non-problematic parts. This doesn't work when a template parameter affects the safety, though.

But why is malloc and free not considered safe by default then?

Well, because they aren't.

These @trusted functions clearly cannot prevent leaks within their own context. You would need a @trusted-only storage class on the receiving pointer to do that and a @trusted move type.

If this is careful use of @trusted, then I don't see the point of having @trusted at all. What is the purpose? What is it meant to cover? In order for @trusted to make sense in this code segment ( http://dpaste.dzfl.pl/f3d854feede9 ) I would say that the whole class will have to be marked @trusted. Is that possible?

The goal is to have human verified, compiler recognized memory-safety, when E allows for it.

You can't:
* mark nothing @safe/@trusted, because malloc/free are not safe;
* mark the methods @trusted, because E may be unsafe.

@trusted malloc/free is a hack, but it allows the compiler to infer @safe iff E is safe.

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