On Wednesday, 25 February 2015 at 19:32:50 UTC, Namespace wrote:
void glCheck(lazy void func, string file = __FILE__, uint line = __LINE__) {
        glCheckError(file, line);

How can I specify that 'func' is @nogc? Or can define the function otherwise?

First of all, if glCheck always uses/evaluates func, then there is no point in making it lazy.

On to the @nogc vs. lazy issue.

Simpler test case:
void glCheck(scope lazy int thing) @nogc {auto x = thing;}
int costly() @nogc {return 42;}
void main() @nogc
    glCheck(costly()); /* A */
    int x; glCheck(x); /* B */

I guess, the compiler could see that the delegate made for the lazy parameter must be @nogc. But it doesn't. So it tries to call a non-@nogc delegate in a @nogc function which fails of course.

You can make the delegate explicit so that you can tag the delegate as @nogc yourself:
void glCheck(scope int delegate() @nogc thing) @nogc {auto x = thing();}
int costly() @nogc {return 42;}
void main() @nogc
    int x; glCheck(()=>x);

The calls are not as nice, requiring an explicit delegate ("()=>"), but it works.

It may be possible to hack through this limitation - NOT THOUGHT-OUT, NOT TESTED, NOT RECOMMENDED:
void glCheck(scope lazy int thing) @nogc;
pragma(mangle, glCheck.mangleof) void glCheckImpl(scope int delegate() @nogc thing) @nogc {auto x = thing();}
int costly() @nogc {return 42;}
void main() @nogc
    int x; glCheck(x);

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