On Wednesday, 11 March 2015 at 03:16:50 UTC, Taylor Hillegeist wrote:
So I found http://ec-lang.org/ it seems alot like D, But it has a company backing it. It just seems interesting.

Seems to me that structs are not the same as in D, and structs in D are very powerful. I don't like the fact that they mention object orientation right from the start, as if it was the be all end all of programming - which it isn't.

Hm. I have to admit that I'm biased towards D, but D has come a long way and is the result of serious input from loads of users and experts. Any new language has a lot of catching up to do. In a way it's funny that every new language builds up an infrastructure first, toolchains etc. Like someone who's trying to learn how to play guitar buys expensive amps and flashy effect devices before s/he can even play a single chord.

However, language features aside, how is D doing in the mobile sector? Most new languages boast Android/iOS support. Even if the language is inferior to D, people will opt for any language that can be ported to mobile platforms, regardless of its features.

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