Time ago Dmitry Olshansky gave me a nice script to compile dmd+Phobos from github, starting like this:

My recipe on Windows, by Dmitry Olshansky:
0. Make sure there are no other DMD in the Windows path.
1. Get the latest DMD release zip you can find, unzip to some drive root(! otherwise get's trickier)
2. Delete all within src subfolder
3. Get a Git console in \dmd2\src, then the usual:

Now I think it doesn't work any more, giving errors like this:

make -fwin32.mak C=backend TK=tk ROOT=root HOST_DC="" reldmd
make -fwin32.mak C=backend TK=tk ROOT=root HOST_DC="" "OPT=-o" "DEBUG=" "LFLAGS=-L/delexe/la" dmd.exe
run idgen
Error: 'run' not found

--- errorlevel 1

--- errorlevel 1

So is Dmitry (or someone else) willing and able to tell me how to fix my compilation script and what to do?

Thank you,

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