On Tuesday, 17 March 2015 at 14:06:19 UTC, Charles Hixson wrote:
I thought that in:
    T* user(T)()
    {    static assert (T.sizeof < bfHdr.user_.length);
          static assert (__traits(isPOD, T) );
          return    cast(T*) bfHdr.user_.ptr;
the line:
static assert (__traits(isPOD, T) );

would test for there not being any embedded refs, pointers, etc., but
    struct    thead2    {    string    test;    }
    auto    userTest2    =    bf.user!(thead2)();
executes without complaint.  Is there a better way?

There's std.traits.hasIndirections <http://dlang.org/phobos/std_traits.html#hasIndirections>.

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