On Tuesday, 24 March 2015 at 16:35:04 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:
What exactly is not working?

Everything works. I'm just a little forgotten properties of the operation xor.

I just wanted to xor 1 each digit in the number of type BigInt, while I would like to store each number in the binary representation of the array BigInt.

The only thing I see lacking is an ability to print a BigInt in binary via writefln("%b").

Yes. It would be nice.

Up to 64 bits, arithmetic and bitwise operations, including xor, are available with long and ulong. Just print the result as binary:

import std.stdio;
void main() {
        ulong n = ulong.max - 0b1000101;
        writeln (n);
        writefln ("%b", n);
        writefln ("%b", n ^ 1);

If you need more than 64 bits, take a look at BitArray here, it also has xor defined:


In the future, please explain what problem you are trying to solve, as the wrong code alone often leaves one guessing.

OK, I will try.

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