On Tuesday, 24 March 2015 at 13:31:06 UTC, Eric wrote:

BTW, why do you need FreeImage to create image? Isn't it just possible inside dlangui?

This is basically my question. Is there a drawing engine that
can draw lines, circles, and shapes as well as single pixels?



I've implemented CanvasWidget today as convenient way of custom drawing, and added drawPixel and drawLine methods to DrawBuf.

See example1 / Canvas tab.

Sample code:

        CanvasWidget canvas = new CanvasWidget("canvas");
canvas.onDrawListener = delegate(CanvasWidget canvas, DrawBuf buf, Rect rc) {
                int x = rc.left;
                int y = rc.top;
                buf.fillRect(Rect(x+20, y+20, x+150, y+200), 0x80FF80);
                buf.fillRect(Rect(x+90, y+80, x+250, y+250), 0x80FF80FF);
canvas.font.drawText(buf, x + 40, y + 50, "fillRect()"d, 0xC080C0); buf.drawFrame(Rect(x + 400, y + 30, x + 550, y + 150), 0x204060, Rect(2,3,4,5), 0x80704020); canvas.font.drawText(buf, x + 400, y + 5, "drawFrame()"d, 0x208020); canvas.font.drawText(buf, x + 300, y + 100, "drawPixel()"d, 0x000080);
                for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++)
buf.drawPixel(x+300 + i * 4, y+140 + i * 3 % 100, 0xFF0000 + i * 2); canvas.font.drawText(buf, x + 200, y + 250, "drawLine()"d, 0x800020);
                for (int i = 0; i < 40; i+=3)
buf.drawLine(Point(x+200 + i * 4, y+290), Point(x+150 + i * 7, y+420 + i * 2), 0x008000 + i * 5);

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