On Wednesday, 25 March 2015 at 20:17:57 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Ivan Kazmenko:

(1) For me, the name of the function is obscure. Something like sortBy would be a lot easier to find than schwartzSort.

I've asked to change the name of that function for years. But Andrei Alexandrescu is a adamantly against changing that pet name he has chosen. This is irrational behavour:

There's lot of way to go for Phobos. And the only want to find holes, missed opportunities, sub-optimal performance spots, missing functions and features, and bad APIs and bad names is to actually try to use Phobos, like we are doing in this thread.

On the bright side, the list under "Sorting" at the docs
is short enough for the curious to just look at the entries and find it.
The specific page
does even contain a link explaining what that is, but I'd propose
-"Sorts with the help of the Schwartzian transform."
+"Sorts by key predicate with the help of the Schwartzian transform."
or some similar wording.

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