On 3/25/15 1:29 PM, Hugo wrote:
On Wednesday, 25 March 2015 at 17:09:05 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
As per the signature in the docs:

void append(T, Endian endianness = Endian.bigEndian, R)(R range, T value)

The endianness is the second template argument. What you need to write is



append!(uint, Endian.littleEndian)(buffer,

Note that you don't need to specify the third template argument, that
will be inferred automatically from the type of `buffer`

Hmm... the examples for append in the documentation look very different
from the syntax you have suggested. No wonder.

In any case, I have tried the code with the first way you suggested, and
append actually does not append to the buffer, but... rewrites the buffer!

Since the buffer is not static, shouldn't append actually do that?

An array as an output range writes to the front. You can use std.array.Appender to get appending behavior. I know, it's weird.

Alternatively, you can add more bytes to the array, and append to the slice, but that may be ugly/hard to do.


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