On Tue, 24 Mar 2015 16:49:01 +0000, Nicolas Sicard wrote:

> I don't know if this is a bug or expected behaviour. The struct is
> mutable, assignable and pre-increment operator works. But post-increment
> doesn't compile because of the immutable member.
> --
> struct S {
>      int i;
>      immutable(Object) o;
>      S opUnary(string op)() { return this; }
>      void opAssign(S other) {}
> }
> void main()
> {
>      S s, t;
>      t = s; // OK ++s; // OK s++; // Error: cannot modify struct s S
>      with immutable members
> }
> ---

by the way. do you know that you still CAN overload postincrement 
operation? yes, the code is still here, and it works... somethimes. ;-)

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