On Sunday, 29 March 2015 at 19:13:32 UTC, bitwise wrote:
Interesting, but I still don't understand why D doesn't have something like this:

const Test test;    // or const(Test) test;
test = new Test() // fine, underlaying data is const, the reference is not

Test const test = new Test();
test.a = 5; // fine, test is read-only but underlaying data is not const
test = new Test();  // error: test is read-only

const(Test) const test = new Test();
test.a = 5;              // error, underlaying data is const
test = new Test();  // error: read-only

I think the semantics you propose here are not good. The first example would change the meaning of existing syntax (bad). The second one shows a const reference to mutable data (head const), which is a no-go for D so far.

Shuffling things around, this could be less disruptive addition to the language:

Test const test; /* mutable reference to const data */


1) Such placement based syntax is foreign to D.

2) It would be special syntax just for class types.

3) It's not how C++ rolls.
`const Test test;` and `Test const test;` are equivalent in C++. You need that '*' in C++, too, to make a distinction between reference and data.

4) Rebindable works reasonably well, as far as I know. So there is not that much pressure to change the language.

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