On 3/30/15 5:12 AM, "Marc =?UTF-8?B?U2Now7x0eiI=?= <schue...@gmx.net>" wrote:
On Monday, 30 March 2015 at 02:53:36 UTC, Paul O'Neil wrote:
I'm registering a callback with some C code.  The simplified story is
here, but the actual code is on GitHub [1] at the end if you care.

The call looks something like this.

void register(void(*fp)(void*), void* context);

I have a class that holds state for the callback and registers itself:

final class Klass
    void method()
        register(callback_function, &this);

`this` is already a reference. You're taking the address of that
reference. A  simple cast should work: `cast(void*) this`.

To build on this further, &this for a class is actually taking a local stack reference, this is why it's not allowed.

And technically, cast(void*) this is dangerous in the general case because opCast can be overridden. If you absolutely need to get a pointer to a class reference, you would need to do this:

auto x = this;
auto p = &x;

For example, for a foolproof implementation of converting a class reference to void *, you would need to do:

auto x = this;
auto p = *(cast(void **)&x);

I wonder if those who made this change thought of this problem?


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