On Saturday, 4 April 2015 at 02:57:22 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
On 4/04/2015 3:08 a.m., Jens Bauer wrote:
src/start.d:7:10: error: module attribute is in file 'gcc/attribute.d' which cannot be read
  import gcc.attribute;

Uhm, it seems that druntime is required for that; unfortunately it's not
ported to the Cortex-M platform.
I found the attribute.d file and tried a quick copy-and-paste, but no luck there.

Correction: minlibd *is* a druntime port; just a minimal one.
However, I'm not sure this feature is supported yet.
Timo Sintonen did a lot of great work; perhaps getting this detail supported might not require much sweat. ;)

Yeah, contact the GDC guys, they should be able to help you.
Either the GDC newsgroup or as an issue on the compiler's project.

A-ha! I just discovered this page...

Atleast at this point, keep an open mind. Think of what you are doing as testing the current state :)

I will, though my impression until now, is that the compiler is quite mature. (I accept that there will always be some minor issues when moving to a new system, but that does not drag down the quality of the compiler).

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