Am 20.03.2015 um 10:42 schrieb "István Zólyomi":
Still does not compile, thanks for the idea though. I think it's better
to avoid Temple, compilation of Diet templates seems to be better
anyway. E.g. temple seems to accept <% var.nonexistingname %> while diet
gives a compile error for #{nonexistingname}.

Meanwhile I figured out an easy way to use existing HTML files with
Diet, you can avoid reformatting your files to this exotic format. Just
mark each line to be predefined content, simply prefixing them with the
'|' character like this:

doctype html
| <html>
| <head> <title> testing vibe </title> </head>
| <body>
|     <h1> My vibe example </h1>
|     Hello #{username}!
|     <p> #{content} </p>
| </body>
| </html>

This can be easily automated by a few-liner script or whatever you prefer.

On Wednesday, 18 March 2015 at 16:27:41 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
It might not solve your problem but i strongly recommend using 2.066.1
instead. There are serious problems with 2.066.0 that were fixed in

Another possibility is to use a Jade-to-HTML converter, such as

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