I have test a snippet of code, and I encountered with a weird link error.
The following is the demo:

import std.stdio;
interface Ti {
        T get(T)(int num);
        T get(T)(string str);

class Test : Ti {
        T get(T)(int num) {
        T get(T)(string str) {
void main() {
        Ti tt = new Test;

When I use dmd to compile this code snippet, the following link error was reported: tt.d:(.text._Dmain+0x3b):‘_D2tt2Ti12__T3getTAyaZ3getMFAyaZAya’ undefined reference tt.d:(.text._Dmain+0x49):‘_D2tt2Ti12__T3getTAyaZ3getMFiZAya’undefined reference

And if I modigy the code to
Test tt = new Test;

then this code will work.

So does it mean I can't declare function template inside interface? If so, why didn't dmd report the error while compiling instead of linking?

And where I can find the D symbol definition, because information like ‘_D2tt2Ti12__T3getTAyaZ3getMFAyaZAya’ makes me really confused.

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