On Monday, 20 April 2015 at 17:24:30 UTC, bearophile wrote:
John Colvin:

struct LineStyle
   enum NONE = "None";
   enum SOLID = "Solid";
   enum DASH = "Dash";
   enum DOT = "Dot";
   enum DASHDOT = "Dash Dot";
   enum DASHDOTDOT = "Dash Dot Dot";

   string label;

   private this(string label)
       this.label = label;

The constructor doesn't look very useful.

Perhaps a named enum is safer.


True, the constructor doesn't really add anything here.

To be honest, the combination of enumeration and runtime variables in the Java code seems like a rubbish design, but perhaps there's a good reason for it that I'm not aware of.

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