On Friday, 24 April 2015 at 17:50:03 UTC, AndyC wrote:
Hi All, I cannot seem to understand whats wrong with this:

// main.d
import std.stdio;
import std.digest.md;
import std.file;

string md5sum(const string fname)
    MD5 hash;

    File f = File(fname, "rb");
    foreach( ubyte[] buf; f.byChunk(4096))

    string s = toHexString!(LetterCase.lower)(hash.finish());
    writeln(s);   //This is correct
    return s;

void main()
    string crc = md5sum("main.d");
    writeln(crc);  //This is garbage

The writeln in md5sum prints correctly, but the "return s" seems to mess it up? What's going on?

Thanks for you time,


Just do that "return s.dup()". Then it works for me. That's probably due to the fact that s is in stack. But I am not sure how "toHexString" works.

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