On Saturday, 25 April 2015 at 04:21:06 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
The STM peripheral library really sux, verbose boilerplate for the simplest stuff and no type safety for the enums (find the difference of GPIO_PIN4 and GPIO_PinSource4 via debugging).

I couldn't agree more. I especially hate the fact that pointers have to be type-casted into uint32_t!

I know, I know.. It's always 32-bit on the Cortex-M microcontrollers, but ... it would make it easier to make a sandbox application or some test-suite running on a computer, if not having to type-cast everything.

It's also really hard to setup all the startup files, linker scripts and debugger configs.

In constrast we could provide a really amazing D experience on those platforms.

D is really suitable for microcontrollers; especially because classes no longer cost a payload of memory. This will allow us to make neat User-Interface objects easily, where a minimal UI library would be 5K in C++. I also hope that associative arrays and strings will fit most microcontrollers. I know that there might be problems, when we have little RAM available. I do not know how little memory is realistic at the moment; here I'm especially thinking about fragmentation and the use of the 'new' keyword.

I hope to find a good way to use import for microcontroller libraries, so it'll be easy for everyone. I'm thinking about something like ...

import mcu.stm32f439.all

... and I'm hoping to have this in a shared location instead of including the library in every source file like it's usually done in C and C++ based projects. But I will wait and see what the more experienced D)everlopers recommend. ;)

While I remember it ... I had to nullify a number of imports in stdint. They simply do not belong in there. :) Eg. I do not want FILE* if I aks for stdint. But FILE* is forced upon me, because wchar_t includes it. What does a wchar_t need a file-system for ? Things like these might need a slight cleanup at some point (because normally, you don't have a file system on a microcontroller; thus you will get errors, when trying to import a simple file like stdint).

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