On Saturday, 25 April 2015 at 10:23:25 UTC, ref2401 wrote:
struct MyStruct {}

void main(string[] args) {
        string str = "blah-blah";

        auto d1 = (MyStruct) { writeln("delegate-str: ", str); };


dmd: 2067
os: Win8.1
build script: dmd main.d -ofconsole-app.exe -debug -unittest -wi

- if delegate has no params or param is declared as int/char/float then the code compiles successfully.
        auto d1 = (int) { writeln("delegate-str: ", str); };

This seems to be a special case for builtin types. Builtin types cannot be used for identifiers, so "int" is recognized as the type here.

- if I declare named param as string or MyStruct then the code compiles successfully too.
        auto d1 = (MyStruct ms)  { writeln("delegate-str: ", str); };

Here you give both type and name, so it's clear which is which, to both you and the compiler.

- if I declare anonymous parameter as string or MyStruct then the error compile occurs:
        auto d1 = (MyStruct)  { writeln("delegate-str: ", str); };

main.d(21): Error: variable main.main.d1 type void is inferred from initializer (MyStruct)


writeln("delegate-str: ", str);


, and variables cannot be of type void
main.d(21): Error: template lambda has no value

Here "MyStruct" is interpreted as the _name_ of the parameter. Its type is inferred as void, because there's no context that says otherwise. Parameters cannot be typed void -> error.

Generally, in function literals, a single identifier is interpreted as the name, because the type can often be inferred from context. And then it's nice not having to write the type out.

Why does it happen?

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