On Monday, 27 April 2015 at 21:19:02 UTC, extrawurst wrote:

here is the shortened version of the returned class CSteamID:

this is the shortened interface (no destructors in the rest of the code either):

the method `GetFriendByIndex` is the one crashing on win32.

I assume that's because CSteamID is returned by value. Are you defining CSteamID in D as a struct? If not you have to because only structs can be returned by value. The next problem is that CSteamID is 64bits wide, this might be a problem as it can not be returned in a single register. You could try changeing the definition of GetFriendByIndex on the D side to

ulong GetFriendByIndex(...) and reinterpret the ulong on the D side. If that does not work however you are most likely out of luck because the way your c++ library returns a value type > 32-bit is not compatible with what dmd expects. Do you have debug symbols for the third party c++ library? Can you step into the virtual function call to actually see if it ends up in the correct function on the c++ side?

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

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