On 04/29/2015 04:30 PM, Dennis Ritchie wrote:

> On Wednesday, 29 April 2015 at 23:22:43 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
>> On 04/29/2015 04:16 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:
>>>     ref CustomInteger opOpAssign(string op, T2)(T2 rhs)
>>>     {
>>>         static if (is (T2 == CustomInteger)) {
>>>             mixin("value_ " ~ op ~ "= rhs.value_;");
>>>             return this;
>>>         } else {
>>>             return this.opOpAssign!(op,
>>> CustomInteger)(CustomInteger(rhs));
>> Playing a little more, the following shorter equivalent of the last
>> line works as well:
>>     return opOpAssign!op(CustomInteger(rhs));
>> Ali
> How do I disable it?

I think I don't understand the requirements here probably because I don't know Ada and I don't have time to even think about such a type. Sorry. :-/

> I need to prohibit all operations to the type int.
> -----
> auto b = Balance(42);
> int t = 4;
> t += b; // error in compile time

That works because of 'alias this'. I would remove that line and start adding more and more operator overloads as needed.


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