On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:46:20 UTC, Chris wrote:
On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:27:16 UTC, biozic wrote:
On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:12:36 UTC, Chris wrote:
On Friday, 1 May 2015 at 10:04:46 UTC, Namespace wrote:
How about this:

struct A {
int x = 42;

struct B {
int x = 7;

T factory(T)() {
return T();

void main()
auto a = factory!(A);

That's what I was looking for, I just couldn't get it right. Thanks.


I wanted to avoid classes and interfaces.

This might be a bit more useful:
struct A {
 int x = 42;

struct B {
 int x = 7;

auto factory(string type = "")() {
 static if (type == "A")
   return A();
 else static if (type == "B")
   return B();
   return A();  // default

void main()
 auto a = factory!"A";
 auto b = factory!"B";
 auto x = factory;

Duh, I tried `static if` yesterday and I still got "Error: mismatched function return type inference of B and A". Now it works! Sure, I must have overlooked something. Sometimes it's better to go home and call it a day than to try to get something to work.

And thanks, by the way!

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