On Sat, 2015-05-09 at 07:15 -0700, Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> On 05/09/2015 04:59 AM, Dennis Ritchie wrote:
> > On Saturday, 9 May 2015 at 11:49:48 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> > > assert((function int(int
> > > x)=>x?x*__traits(parent,{})(x-1):1)(10)==3628800);
> > 
> > Thanks. Yes, it is similar to what I wanted :)
> Also interesting:
>    http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Y_combinator#D
> I think that code was improved by Timon Gehr as well.
> Ali

Sadly all the solutions are unsound since they are recursive but not
tail recursive. Oh it doesn't matter as D doesn't have tail call

There are lots of good imperative implementations.

Of course none of the implementation can calculate factorial(24) as
they are using hardware values which are bounded and cannot store
reasonable numbers.

Could use iota. Oh no we can't as BigNums are not integral.

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