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That expression is, not to put too fine a point on it, mad. The operator precedence itself is giving me a headache, let alone the division of a double by a boolean... I'm pretty sure it doesn't do what you want it to, unless what you want is seriously weird.

As a matter of fact, i'm pretty sure that expression evaluates to 1, irrelevant of the values of the two variables.


The original expression was a candidate in a genetic programming population - a result of trial and error / "natural" selection over a few generations. The dustmite-reduced expression is really weird I agree - I don't know what to make of it. I've reported it as I found it.

The otiginal expression is not so wierd, it just haphazardly long. It doesn't do any strange divides or compares.

In either case, it shouldn't compile normally without the '-O' and fail to compile with it.

We managed a 1000x speed up over Java on our genetic programming system by using D, but this compile failure is preventing us from using the release / optimised builds :((


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