On Wednesday, 27 May 2015 at 14:58:39 UTC, drug wrote:

Do you want to dynamically change priority?
Actually yes. In my actual code I am not using a RedBlackTree but my own Container (a heap with the possibility to modify elements inside), which is notified when prio changes so it can do a (local) reordering.

Why prio is outside of your predicate?
Well, how would I get it into the lambda? In C++ I would use a comparision class, and the constructor of the container would take an instance of that class. But D's RedBlackTree-constructor does not take such a (run-time) argument. And I dont see a way to get prio into the predicate, which is a template-argument.

As I am implementing my own container anyway, I could of course do it the C++-way. But I was wondering if there is another way.

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