On Monday, June 08, 2015 23:18:50 Timothee Cour via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> nim has both overloading and named arguments (with reordering and defaults
> allowed): http://nim-lang.org/docs/tut1.html#procedures-named-arguments
> and it doesn't seem to cause issues.
> Is there a document / thread that explains the argument against named
> arguments in more details than 'do not play well together' ?

Probably not, but Walter was quite adamant when it was discussed at dconf
that it's a disaster to mix named arguments and function overloading in the
same language. Maybe it's not as bad as he thinks it is, but personally, I
think that named arguments are a terrible idea in general, so I'm not about
to try and support a position that tries to bring them into D.

- Jonathan M Davis

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