On 2015-06-10 20:55, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
I'm still tempted to grab a used Mac so I can port my display stuff to
Cocoa and test it, but Macs are outrageously expensive and I hate them,
so want to spend as little as possible.

What does dmd minimally require on a mac? If I got like a 10.5 would
that work?

Maybe, but I wouldn't even try to run it on something lower than 10.6. I haven't tried to run it on anything lower than 10.7 in a couple of years but I would say 10.6 is the absolute minimum requirements.

I think we should considering making the requirement 10.7 or later, at some point. Because in 10.7 Apple implemented native TLS. This is also the minimum requirement for LDC.

I'm running a OS X 10.7 on Macbook from 2006, it's working perfectly fine. Although the whole computer it's quite slow, it only has 2 GB of RAM.

As for running on a PC in a virtual machine, it's quite cumbersome to do, but it's doable.

/Jacob Carlborg

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