On Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 06:43:48 UTC, ketmar wrote:
On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 06:12:29 +0000, Ozan wrote:


Is it possible to create arrays which has more then one type,
f. ex. array[0] = 1; array[1] = "z"; array[2] = new clazz(), ....

I tried "Variant", but it slow down heavily my app.

it is possible. with Variant. ;-)

chances are that you're doing something by the wrong way in your code. not syntactically wrong, but algorithmically wrong. why to you need such an array? weak typing is slow. strong typing is fast. seems that you are used to scripting languages with weak typing, and designed your algorithm with weak typing in mind. i think it's better to try to redesign your algorithm, not looking for faster weak typing solution.

Thanks for your advise.
You read my mind. It's a strong Groovy background.
I think with D, I'm on right way to solve my personal problems ;-)

Regards Ozan

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