On Friday, 10 July 2015 at 03:38:49 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
I am trying to bind to a C union with a number of nested structs declared as follows:

typedef union {
    int         Integer;

    struct {
        int     nCount;
        int     *paList;
    } IntegerList;

    struct {
        int     nCount;
        GIntBig *paList;
    } Integer64List;

} OGRField;

According to http://wiki.dlang.org/D_binding_for_C#Nested_Structs
I should attempt to write something like (last example shown):

extern(C) union OGRField
   int Integer;
   struct {
      int  nCount;
      int* paList;

   struct {
      int      nCount;
      GIntBig* paList;

But that is obviously not going to work. Does anyone know the right way
to handle nested C structs of that form.

OK Found the answer elsewhere on the same page:

extern(C) union OGRField
   int Integer;
   struct _IntegerList
      int  nCount;
      int* paList;
   _IntegerList IntegerList;

   struct _Integer64List
      int      nCount;
      GIntBig* paList;
   _Integer64List Integer64List;

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