Perhaps my googlefu has failed me, but I can find anything describing the output of DMD's -profile switch. I get that trace.def is a list of all functions called and I understand the table at the bottom of trace.log. What I'm not sure about is everything above the table in trace.log, stuff like this:

         4000   _Dmain
_D4main6selectFZk       4000    2736    471
         4000   _D3std6random27__T7uniformVAyaa2_5b29TkTkZ7uniformFNfkkZk

I get that it's telling me that the function is called 4000 times and that it, in turn, calls std.random.uniform 4000 times. What I not clear about is the 2736 and the 471. They match none of the times int the table below, where has a Tree Time of 823 and a Func Time of 141. I also don't understand the 4000 next to _Dmain, as it's only called once. If anyone could clarify, or point me somewhere that explains it, I'd appreciate it.

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