On Friday, 17 July 2015 at 07:54:43 UTC, FreeSlave wrote:
On Friday, 17 July 2015 at 07:33:43 UTC, Anonymous wrote:
On Friday, 17 July 2015 at 07:14:24 UTC, FreeSlave wrote:
On Thursday, 16 July 2015 at 21:12:05 UTC, anonymous wrote:
I have the following code, working under Win and Linux:

import std.process: environment;

immutable string p;

static this() {
    version(Win32) p = environment.get("APPDATA");
    version(linux) p = "/home/" ~ environment.get("USER");
    version(OSX) p = "?";

what would be the OSX equivalent (to get the path where the applications data are commonmly stored)?

Hello. You may take a look at this library https://github.com/MyLittleRobo/standardpaths OSX version uses Carbon though. You may want to use Cocoa API (which is newer), but it's Objective-C. Also you may consider standard path for data storage without using any api or spec. It's usually $HOME/Library/Application Support/ on OSX.

So for a software named 'SuperDownloader2015'  it would be

$HOME/Library/Application Support/SuperDownloader2015

right ?

so it's not user-specific and it's writable for the current user ?
sorry but it looks a bit strange, anyone can confirm ?

It is user specific obviously since it's in user home.
Can you elaborate on what do you want exactly?
From Windows and Linux examples you provided I assumed you need user-specific paths (APPDATA is defined per user on Windows). System-wide application data path is different.

Ok so my sample can be rewritten

static this() {
     version(Win32) p = environment.get("APPDATA");
     version(linux) p = "/home/" ~ environment.get("USER");
version(OSX) p = environment.get("HOME") ~ /Library/Application Support/;

I really wish it could be possible to buy and setup OSX on any hardware...I will never buy a mac just to test the portability of a couple of projects 1 hour per week...

Anyway thx all for your answers.

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