On Saturday, 18 July 2015 at 16:18:30 UTC, Clayton wrote:
Thanks , you were right . It seems there are some key words though which one has to use so that the code gets executed on compile-time .For example I had to change the second forloop to a foreach loop,

`for` loops work just fine in CTFE. `foreach` is usually nicer, though (regardless of CTFE or not).

and then put and enum to ensure that TableFromCompiler gets evaluated at compiletime. Having written the code this way though gives rise to some other question, D supports 2 approches to compiletime metaprogramming i.e. CTFE and Templates, it seems am not very sure which paradigm my code falls in.

Your computeAtCompileTime is a template that results in a function when instantiated. You're calling such a generated function and you're assigning the result to an enum, which makes it a CTFE call.

So there's both CTFE and a template in your code.

You could probably do the whole pre-computation without CTFE, using only templates. But (here) CTFE is more straight forward as you can just write normal run time D.

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