I was looking at
where it discusses overloading templates based on constraints. I wanted to try to overload a template function with another version that does everything in place. So basically, one has a return and the other doesn't. However, when I run the code, it only calls the first function. The second one is ignored. I tried a number of adjustments, but the only thing that worked is to re-name the function something else, remove the U's, and just have it be a void function.

import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.traits;

T test(T)(T x)
        if (isNumeric!(T))
        writeln("calling test without void");
        T y = x;
        y += 1;
        return y;

U test(T, U)(ref T x)
        if (isNumeric!(T) && is(U == void))
        writeln("calling test with void");
        x += 2;

void main()
        int a = 1;
        int b = test(a);
        int c = b;
  • Overloading Based on Constrai... jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

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