On Friday, July 24, 2015 01:30:55 Enjoys Math via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> Here's my code:
> module grammar;
> class Grammar(T : ulong) {
>      this(const T[] str) {
>          auto grammar = str in grammarCache;
>          if (grammar) {
>              this = grammar.dup;
>          } else {
>              this = approximateSmallestGrammar(str);
>              grammarCache[str] = this.dup;
>          }
>      }
>      static Grammar approximateSmallestGrammar(const T[] str) {
>          return new Grammar();
>      }
>      @property Grammar dup() {
>      }
> private:
>      this() {}
>      static Grammar[T[]] grammarCache;
> };
> Compiler says 'this' is not an lvalue.  How would I accomplish
> what I want?

Assign to the members individually rather than the whole object at once.

- Jonathan M Davis

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