Thank you! That helped me a lot.

I'm sure that - in order to get to the point to repeat the whole first part of the program - I'll have to read further in the instructions I have BUT let's just say that I don't want it to repeat the first part of the program but just writeln something like "Ok let's do it again!" if I enter Y and press enter.

I now got to the point where the program doesn't quit but if I enter "Y" and hit Enter, nothing happens.

I do understand how to define an int and then compare it to a number I entered and do something if the number was smaller/bigger/the same etc.

But how do I get the programm to simply write a line if I enter a letter like Y?

With the code I got here it does not work. What is wrong with this part here:

        writeln("Do you want to play again? Y/N?");
        readf(" %s", &yesno);
        if (yesno == "Y") {

Doesn't the code mean: Write "Do you want to play again? Y/N?". Read keyboard input and define "yesno" by what was entered. And then: If what was entered was a "Y", write the following line "Yeah!".

Where is my error in thinking?

Sorry guys, I know it's probably something very easy..

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